Against diseases by purifying indoor air

M-Filter Group is involved in a development project, where the goal is to find out whether air purification can reduce the incidence of circulating upper respiratory tract infections in children.

The E3-project aims to harness modern science and technology to create effective countermeasures to prevent the spreading of novel infectious diseases. Filterpak Oy, a part of M-Filter Group, is bringing along the expertise of the filtration industry

Is a cleaner future healthier?

In the future, the quality of breathing air may play a greater role in preventing the spread of various infectious diseases. This is being investigated in a joint innovation project together with experts from different fields.

The goal is to to harness modern science and technology to prevent the spreading of novel infectious diseases.

Stated in the E3-project description: “The project will primarily study the different pathways of pathogens and viruses, virus control and detection methods that can be used to find solutions to keep indoor air clean and safe in offices, public spaces, and vehicles. The main goal is to develop solutions that allow the various functions of society to continue uninterrupted and people to continue to move and live safely despite epidemics and pandemics.”

Covering early childhood education units in the city of Helsinki

The study maps the morbidity of children and employees in all early childhood education units of the city of Helsinki. In addition to this, an air cleaning intervention will be implemented in four kindergartens, which is hoped to reduce infections in daycare and thus children’s overall morbidity. Babysitters, daycare nurses and kindergarten teachers were absent from work for an average of 21–29 days in the first year of the corona pandemic in 2020. Daycare infections are therefore of great social significance.

“I think it’s great that we get to participate in this research. I’m glad that this kind of issue is finally being investigated.”

says the City of Helsinki’s director of early childhood education, Miia Kemppi.

The occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections is reduced by cleaning the breathing air of pathogens

The E3-project defines this as one of the important starting points for the project. Other essential points are e.g.

  • air purification also reduces the occurrence of stomach diseases
  • employee sickness and absence will decrease
  • parental absences from work due to a child’s/own illness in the family will decrease

“We want to build a cleaner future by improving indoor air quality and thus preventing the spread of various infectious diseases. This development is natural for us, as we have worked for a long time in the field of small particle filtering technology.”

Peter Norlund, MD of Filterpak Oy


The research is led by doctor Enni Sanmark from the Helsinki University Hospital and industrial professor Piia Sormunen from the University of Tampere.

There are several leading companies from the fields of diagnostics, ventilation and sensor technology participating in the cooperation, Parties involved in the research are Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala (HUS), Tampereen yliopisto, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, Ilmatieteen laitos, Työterveyslaitos, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, VTT and Helsinki University. Companies included: Granlund, Air0, Halton Group, Lifa Air, Alme Solutions, Inspector SEC (ISEC), SmartWatcher, Filterpak – part of M-Filter Group and Roche Diagnostics.

Read the own post of  E3 Pandemic Responce: E3 is starting extensive study in Helsinki kindergartens

For more information:

Piia Sormunen
Tampereen yliopisto
p. 050 476 6731

Enni Sanmark
Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala
p. 040 844 6940

Peter Norlund
MD / Founder
Filterpak Oy / M-Filter Group
+358 40 081 5871

Meeri Virkkala
Quality Manager
M-Filter Group
+358 40 718 1720

M-Filter Group at FILTECH 2024 in Cologne

M-Filter and Filterpak will showcase their expertise at the international filtration event FILTECH, held November 12-14 in Cologne

Summer vacations are approaching

Our factories in Haapavesi, Hanko, Vimpeli, and Salo, Finland, will have summer shutdowns. Similarly, our factory in Lithuania will be closed for a while during the summer.

MANN+HUMMEL expands Northern and Eastern Europe presence

Together with the Finnish filtration company Oy M-Filter Ab, the MANN+HUMMEL Group opens up new strategic business areas in Scandinavia and the Baltic States.

Against diseases by purifying indoor air

M-Filter Group is involved in a development project, where the goal is to find out whether air purification can reduce the incidence of circulating upper respiratory tract infections in children.

M-Filter Group expands again and strengthens its position

Oy M-Filter Ab has acquired all shares of Filter Partner Oy, which operates in Salo, Finland. Filter Partner Oy was established in year 2006. Company specializes on production, sales and marketing of HVAC- and industrial filters and is one of the leading experts of HVAC-filters in Finland.

Towards carbon neutrality

Our aim is to make our operations carbon neutral by means of emissions reductions and carbon offsets. We have launched a project with Green Carbon Finland to lead us towards carbon neutrality.

Clean Finnish air conquers the world

Clean air specialists Oy M-Filter Ab and Filterpak Oy have merged in a transaction where Oy M-Filter Ab has acquired all shares in Filterpak Oy, which operates in Hanko, Finland.

Filter solutions for indoor air cleaning

We manufacture the most demanding filtration solutions to improve indoor air quality, e.g. for viral air purifiers.

Bag and compact filters

PL-Filter bag and compact filters.

The new M-Filter brand

The new and improved M-Filter brand.